Desired Results Access Project Reports, Under the Direction of the California Department of Education, Special Education Division

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User's Manual

Download or Print PDF: DRaccessReportsUserManual.pdf (7.9mb, English)


Create an Account
My Account
Start a New Rating Record
Manage Rating Records
Import Rating Records from an Excel File
Export Rating Records to an Excel File

DRDP (2015)

Download or Print a PDF Rating Record
Create Child Report – Status and Progress
Create Peer Reference Report – Status and Progress


The Desired Results Access Project Reports online system ( is a secure online database in which assessors can enter, review and generate reports from assessment data from the DRDP (2015) Information Pages and Rating Records. This resource is provided by the Desired Results Access Project to support Special Education teachers and providers who use or have used the DRDP instrument to assess children.

Who can/should use DRAccessReports? is open to all users of the DRDP (2015) assessment tool, including:

What are the benefits of using DRAccessReports?

What do I do if I have any trouble accessing the system?

For assistance, contact the Desired Results Access Project:

Create an Account

This section will help you create a new account in

1) Go to and select “Create an account.”

2) Complete the registration form. The email address that you provide will become your DRAccessReports login name.

For security reasons, your password:

Provide your SELPA and District information in order to auto-populate these fields on each child assessment.

3) Once you complete the registration form, you will receive an email verifying your account. You must verify your account before you will be able to access the DRAccessReports system via the email verification link.

4) After verifying your account, you may log into your account at any time by going to and providing your registered email address and password.

Be sure to logoff when you have finished your session to ensure that your data is secure.

My Account

This section will help you make any necessary changes to your personal account information.

1) Log in to your user account at

Select “My Account” in the top right corner of the screen.

2) On the My Account page you can review and edit personal contact information. To edit a field, place your cursor in the desired field.

3) After reviewing and editing your account information, select “Save” to verify that the information is complete and accurate and to finalize your account changes.

Be sure to logoff when you have finished your session to ensure that your data is secure.

Start a New Rating Record

This section will help you enter a new Rating Record into the reports system, including all data from the Information Page and Rating Record.

1) Log into your account:

a. Go to:

b. Type in your email address and password and click “Login.”

2) Under “What would you like to do?” select “Start a new Rating Record.”

To find and complete a record that you began but did not complete, refer to the section on Managing Rating Records in this document.

3) From the drop-down list, choose the assessment period for which you wish to enter a child's Rating Record and then select “Select.”

4) Enter the information from the child's DRDP (2015) Information Page.

Indicate if you will be including this child's Rating Record in your official data reporting to CDE for the current assessment period by selecting either “on” or “off.” Note: If you select “on”, the system will automatically validate fields of the Rating Record to match the Technical Assistance Guidelines (TAG).

Items marked with an asterisk (*) denote required fields depending on whether DR Access Data validation mode is on or off.

In order to link child records, ensure the data entered in fields 1-6 match previous and future assessments.

Select “Save and Continue” to save the data and continue to the next screen.

After successfully linking records, the system will display the total number of assessments associated with the child.

5) After entering the information from the child's DRDP (2015) Information Page, enter the ratings for each of the measures on the child's Rating Record.

If a preschool-age child has not yet mastered the first developmental level, select “Not Yet.”

If a measure is marked “emerging,” check “EM”.

If a measure is marked “unable to rate,” check “UR.”

Select “Save and Continue” to save the data for each screen.

6) After entering the information from the child's Information Page and Rating Record, review the information on the “Check and Confirm” page.

To edit information on this page, select the corresponding heading above it – for example, to edit the record's SELPA Code click on the header “Program Information.”

7) After reviewing, and if necessary, editing the information to verify that the data is complete and accurate, select “Accept” to finalize the Rating Record.

Be sure to logoff when you have finished your session to ensure that your data is secure.

Manage Rating Records

This section will help you manage your Rating Records in the reports system. This menu option allows you to find, review, edit, and delete any of your saved Rating Records.

1) Log in to your user account at

To find records in the system, select “Manage Rating Records” from the Home Page or the top of any screen.

2) Specify as many search criteria as you wish and then select “Search”.

Scroll down for the list of search results.

You do not need to complete any fields in the search box to find a record. Simply scroll down for all of your rating records in your most current assessment period. To view all your records in the system, change the Assessment Period to “All Assessment Periods...”

3) Choose the record you wish to edit by selecting the child's name. This will take you to the “Check and Confirm” page. From this page you can review and edit information or continue a Rating Record already in progress (see step 6 under “Start a New Rating Record”).

4) After reviewing and editing the Information Page and Rating Record, select “Accept” to verify that the data is complete and accurate and finalize the Rating Record.

5) To delete a Rating Record, select “Delete” at the bottom of the “Check and Confirm” page.

Confirm the deletion on the next screen by selecting “Delete” again.

Be sure to logoff when you have finished your session to ensure that your data is secure.

Import Rating Records

This section will help you import your DRDP (2015) records into DRAccessReports from other MIS systems, such as SEIS.

1) Log in to your user account at

Select “Import” to begin the data import process.

2) Select the “Import Your Assessments” option to start the file uploading process.

3) You will be prompted to select a “csv” file that you downloaded from your MIS system containing the data that you would like to import.

Once the file has been selected, click on the “Import” button.

4) Wait a few minutes for the process to complete. To verify that your data has been imported, click on the “re-check the status of your import file.”

5) If your data has been successfully imported, you will get an “Import Status” report indicating that the process has been completed with no errors.

Be sure to logoff when you have finished your session to ensure that your data is secure.

Export Rating Records

This section will help you export assessment records to the official CDE TAG format for upload to DR Access Data.

1) Log in to your user account at

Select “Export” to begin the data export process.

2) Select the assessment period that you would like to view from the drop-down menu.

Select whether you wish to export all records for that assessment period or only those that have been validated for DRAccessData.

Select whether you wish to export all records or only infant/toddler or preschool records.

Select “Download.”

3) Wait for your browser to download the assessment records file. You will be prompted to open or save an Excel spreadsheet to your computer. Select “Save” to save the file to your computer and upload to DRAccessData for data reporting using the Technical Assistance Guidelines available at

Please take the necessary precautions to guarantee the confidentiality of this report.

4) To review the file, you can open the Excel spreadsheet from your computer. Excel presents the assessment data for all Rating Records in the selected assessment period.

The spreadsheet contains each child's demographic data followed by the ratings for each Measure from the child's Rating Record.

Do not make any edits to this information in the Excel file. You must return to and make any changes through the online system.

5) After you review the information, upload the file to DRAccessData for data reporting using the Technical Assistance Guidelines available at

For additional information about data reporting to CDE, please visit

Download or Print a PDF Rating Record for the DRDP (2015)

This section will help you produce a PDF report of the Information Page and Rating Record based on your assessment data.

1) Log into your account:

a. Go to:

b. Type in your email address and password and click “Login.”

2) Under “What would you like to do?” select “Reports.”

3) On the “Manage Reports” page, choose “Rating Record” under DRDP (2015) Reports.

4) Specify as many criteria as you wish and then select “Search”.

Scroll down for the list of search results.

You do not need to complete any fields in the search box to find a record. Simply scroll down for all of your rating records in your most current assessment period. To view all your records in the system, change the Assessment Period to “All Assessment Periods...”

5) Choose the PDF you wish to download and/or open by selecting the PDF link next the child's name.

6) Wait for your browser to download the report file. You may be prompted to open or save an Adobe PDF file to your computer. Please take the necessary precautions to guarantee the confidentiality of this report.

Some browsers may automatically open the PDF in a new browser window or tab. You can save it from the “File” menu.

7) When you open the report, you will see the information for the specified assessment period.

8) This file can be saved to your computer and shared with other service providers, administrators, and families.

Take the necessary precautions to guarantee the confidentiality of this report.

Create DRDP (2015) Child Report – Status and Progress

This section will help you generate Child Status Reports for the DRDP (2015).

1) Log into your account:

a. Go to:

b. Type in your email address and password and click “Login.”

2) Under “What would you like to do?” select “Reports.”

3) On the “Manage Reports” page, choose “Child Reports” under DRDP (2015) Reports.

4) Specify as many criteria as you wish and then select “Search”.

Scroll down for the list of search results.

You do not need to complete any fields in the search box to find a record. Simply scroll down for all of your rating records in your most current assessment period. To view all your records in the system, change the Assessment Period to “All Assessment Periods...”

5) Choose the report you wish to download and/or open by selecting the Child Status or Child Progress link next to the child's name.

When selecting Child Progress, another screen will appear. Select Assessment Periods to include in Progress Report and then select Generate.

6) Wait for your browser to download the report file. You may be prompted to open or save an Adobe PDF file to your computer. Please take the necessary precautions to guarantee the confidentiality of this report.

Some browsers may automatically open the PDF in a new browser window or tab. You can save it from the “File” menu.

7) When you open the report, you will see the information for the specified assessment period(s).

8) This file can be saved to your computer and shared with other service providers, administrators, and families.

Take the necessary precautions to guarantee the confidentiality of this report.

9) To interpret the report, refer to the guidance document, “Child Report Guidance for Teachers” at

Create DRDP (2015) Peer Reference Report – Status and Progress

This section will help you generate Peer Reference Reports for the DRDP (2015).

1) Log into your account:

a. Go to:

b. Type in your email address and password and click “Login.”

2) Under “What would you like to do?” select “Reports.”

3) On the “Manage Reports” page, choose “Peer Reference Reports” under DRDP (2015) Reports.

4) Specify as many criteria as you wish and then select “Search”.

Scroll down for the list of search results.

You do not need to complete any fields in the search box to find a record. Simply scroll down for all of your rating records in your most current assessment period. To view all your records in the system, change the Assessment Period to “All Assessment Periods...”

5) Choose the report you wish to download or open by selecting the Peer Status or Peer Progress link next to the child’s name. Peer Progress reports only show for individuals that have been assessed in multiple assessment periods. Skip to Step 7 if Peer Status report was selected.

6) When Peer Progress link is selected, another screen prompts you to select which two assessment periods you wish to compare. Select the periods to compare from the drop down menus, then select “Generate”.

7) Wait for your browser to download the report file. You may be prompted to open or save an Adobe PDF file to your computer. Please take the necessary precautions to guarantee the confidentiality of this report.

Some browsers may automatically open the PDF in a new browser window or tab. You can save it from the “File” menu.

8) When you open the report, you will see the information for the specified assessment period.

This file can be saved to your computer and shared with other service providers, administrators, and families.

Take the necessary precautions to guarantee the confidentiality of this report.

9) To interpret the report, refer to the guidance document, “Peer Reference Report Guidance for Special Education” at